Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Top Entrecard Reciprocal Droppers

Its been a month now since I joined Entrecard, and I am so amazed with the result. And today, I would like to acknowledge my top 10 reciprocal droppers.

Dropper # of drops
Picture to People 30
Electricians notes 29
Fledgling Blogger 29
My Linux Today 29
Doing Business 29
Confessions of a Fitness Diva 28
Mutual Love 28
Internet Marketing Blog 27
Positive men 26
Chip Flip Jump 24

Thank you!!!


Raven G. Duran said...

Hi, Can you change my badge link and image on your Badges page? Because I just change my blog's link and bought a new domain name, I also Just change my blog's badge, thank you so much! =)


June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) said...

Fantastic! I am on your top droppers list last month! Thanks a lot for the link and the mention! Much appreciated! :D

zh3en22 said...

Done Grabbing your new badge, congrats to your new domain, wish i can buy mine too... and thanks for droppin by

zh3en22 said...

@June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) you deserve it, thanks for droppin by everyday...

healthy blog said...

make a drop with other peoples and get social network with all friend, notebook centreheheh

R.O.M.E.L.O. said...

Your Top Droppers gave you a lot of drops which is not surprising since you have your EC widget placed on top. I'm sure you'll be getting more drops this month.